Our new website is under construction. Thank-you for your patience.
Ostomy Manitoba is a volunteer run organization but, we have monthly and other on going expenses to serve our members and non-members alike that are not entirely covered by membership dues. We also raise funds to support sending young people with ostomies to Ostomy Canada's summer youth camp.
The panel on the right (below, if you're using a mobile device) lists our various funds and their purposes.
Ostomy Manitoba is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency. We issue tax receipts for donations over $10.
You can use e-Transfer to donate to any of the funds as well as paying membership dues. We are also using auto-deposit so there are no secret questions and answers.
Email: treasurer@ostomymanitoba.ca
Message box: Enter the purpose for the transfer (membership, camp fund, stoma anniversary, etc. If you are making a donation, be sure to enter your mailing address so that we may a tax receipt.
Canada Helps
You can donate to any of our funds through Canada Helps.
Canada Helps will issue your tax receipt at the time of donation.
Coming soon...
Camp Fund
The Camp Fund supports Ostomy Canada's summer youth camp in Bragg Creek, Alberta.
Each July, young people with ostomies from across the county gather to share and learn with their peers.
Ostomy Canada never denies a child the opportunity to attend camp due to financial limitation.
Stoma Anniversary Fund
Donations to the Stoma Anniversay Fund celebrate an ostomate's second chance at a healthy life following surgery.
Proceeds from the fund go to towards the purchase of audio and video equipment to promote the Ostomy Manitoba Association and its programs.
Memorial Gift
Memorial gifts honour the memory of loved ones who have lived with an ostomy.
General Fund
The General Fund pays for the day to day operation of Ostomy Manitoba including,
Producing and distributing the newsletter
Computer and Web services
Facility rental and insurance
Office supplies
Meeting expenses